Operating System - SYNERSOFT

Operating System

Which OS is recommended to install the BLACKbox agent?

BLACKbox agent can be installed on Windows 10 or a higher version of the Windows OS.

Does BLACKbox work with Mac or Linux?

No, BLACKbox agent cannot be installed on MAC or Linux or any other OS except Windows. Hence, device hardening, USB controls, happy hours, email vigilance, forced centralization, dual profiling or any other restrictions will not work on these platforms.

However, MAC and Linux based systems can access BLACKbox data and applications over LAN or VPN via a browser-based BLACKbox AAA.

Does BLACKbox work with Android or IOS?

Yes. For the hardening of Android and IOS devices, there is an add-on product called BLACKbox M-duo, which includes M-Duo Console and M-Duo Agent.


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