Mock the Ransomware, give it two Slaps. Protection & Recovery
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March 26, 2019

Mock the Ransomware, give it two Slaps.

ransomware protection

Today I am going to touch an untouched topic about Ransomware. Most content on internet narrates preventive practices to keep Ransomware away, most popularly, Antivirus and Firewalls.

I found very little content or advisory on how to recover if Ransomware has struck you by outsmarting all your defense, i.e. Antivirus and Firewall. Antivirus and Firewall is a loose plan, it does not help once you are struck.

They are like a vaccine which you take and hope that you will not catch up with diseases. But when you really catch up with diseases, vaccine will not help you recover as soon as possible. Similarly, Antivirus or Firewall, will try to keep Ransomware at bay, but it will not help you to recover as soon as possible, once you are struck.
Our path breaking technology BLACKbox, focuses on how to recover as soon as possible when all your defense is outsmarted and shattered by Ransomware. It works as below.

A. All your old / past / frozen data is shifted to Vault part of BLACKbox which is bit locked.
B. Users can use above data but cannot modify it.
C. Ongoing current data is stored in workspace part of BLACKbox on which users work.
D. BLACKbox files this workspace daily on a time machine.
E. Regularly, data is automatically / manually moved from workspace to vault based on modification date.
Now, when Ransomware strikes your data, Vault is unaffected and simply switch your workspace to previous time slot and keep working.

Our team has made this video to explain this entire concept in an entertaining manner.

Please check this video and give your feedback.

Best Regards,

Vishal Shah

Co-Founder and CEO,

Synersoft Technologies Pvt Ltd

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