The Un-Affordable Grays of IT - Data Loss Prevention Solutions
Unseen Assets, Unforeseen Risks
July 15, 2019
Stay relevant Masters of IT
Take pains to be relevant, you masters of IT, says SME
July 23, 2019

The Un-Affordable Grays of IT

privacy vs security - data loss prevention solutions

Grey is less of a color and more of an expression, I word it, “AMBIGUITY”. When we seek clarity, we expect things in BLACK and WHITE.

Any Grey tending to BLACK or WHITE, is tending from ambiguity to clarity.

In my 20 years of consulting for SMEs, wonderful entrepreneurs, I mostly find their IT in Grey shades. Business Continuity and Competitiveness depend on IT. No SME can afford to live with Grey Shades (read Ambiguity) in IT.

Let me list some un-affordable shades of Grey in SME IT.

Grey-ness in Data Centralization

We want to centralize data for a confident backup process and minimize data scatter on desktops and laptops. Most Grey solutions (read file servers, NAS) provide half-hearted data centralization. Management need to inform (read plead) users to save data on file server. They can’t do anything if users save data on individual desktop.

Black-ness in Data Centralization

Clearly, you need a file server which forces users to save data in itself by strict access policies. BLACKbox is the only file server which forces data centralization, making enterprise 100 percent confident about data backup.

Grey-ness in Immunity from Ransomware

Most enterprises invest in Antivirus to prevent Ransomware, but do not provide for the scenario in which Antivirus fails to detect ransomware. If ransomware infects, they end up loosing data.

Black-ness in Immunity from Ransomware

Its good to have antivirus to do primary job. But versioning of data is sure shot immunity from Ransomware infection. If antivirus fails, and if you have data versioning in place, you are immune. Cool, just restore last version and get back to business. BLACKbox versions the backup of data in and out of office to be able to restore in case of Ransomware Infection.

Grey-ness in Disaster Provisions

Most enterprises data is backed up on hardware (external hardisk, internally on file server) in the same premises neglecting disaster possibilities.

Black-ness in Disaster Provisions

The centralized data must be pushed on data center located on safe seismic plate, installed with fire safety, power backup, and access security. Data can be restored from such DR site in case of disaster in the premises. BLACKbox has DR site in India on which selected critical data is backed up.

Grey-ness in Laptop Backup

Most enterprises do not have confident backup strategy for laptops, on the contrary laptops, being used by senior employees, would contain critical and sensitive data. Laptops users are left on their own to backup their data, mostly.

Black-ness Laptop Backup

The laptops can be installed with agents pushing data on data center while connected to wi-fi, or dongles. In case of loss, crash, damage, theft of laptop, enterprise just has to restore data from DR site where regular backup is taken with versioing. BLACKbox takes backup of all laptops on data center while it is connected to any internet connectivity.

Grey-ness in Information Security

Most enterprise believe that by implementing firewall and controlling Internet, their information is secured. They grossly ignore the fact that data can be competitively exploited or leaked over emails also.

BLACK-ness in Information Security

They need some system which vaults sensitive data while user is on internet. It should provide all capability to vigil emails and USB ports. BLACKbox does it all with an ease and efficiency.

BLACKbox is inspired from this sense of BLACK.

I am proud to lead Synersoft which provides BLACK solutions (read full proof) for their Business Continuity and Information Security needs.

Best Regards,

Vishal Shah

Founder and CEO – Synersoft Technologies Pvt Ltd

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